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REPARE project celebrates successful First-Year milestone in Thessaloniki

16 Sep 2024

On 10-11 June, EUROSPINE participated in the 1-year meeting of the PREPARE project in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The PREPARE REHAB project is a 4-year EU-funded project using advanced data and AI techniques to revolutionise rehabilitation care for chronic non-communicable diseases, starting with nine major musculoskeletal disorders, including spinal disorders and scoliosis.

The meeting marked the successful completion of the first year of the project. All planned deliverables were completed on time. The consortium and project partners reviewed the activities to date and planned the next steps. At the end of this productive meeting there were many new action points, new insights and answers.

We are pleased to be part of this motivated effort, focused on improving patient outcomes with tools that assist in finding optimal personalised therapies and facilitate doctor-patient communication.

Find out more about this transformative project and EUROSPINE's role in advancing rehabilitation care.

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