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The PREPARE project,


is a multi-stakeholder, interdisciplinary collaboration using advanced data and AI techniques to revolutionise rehabilitation care for chronic non-communicable diseases, starting with nine major musculoskeletal disorders, including spinal disorders and scoliosis.  

EUROSPINE's contribution

EUROSPINE, with its long-standing expertise in the later two pilot cases, will contribute to the development and improvement of the PREPARE models. 

As a partner in the PREPARE consortium, EUROSPINE aims to improve people's lives with integrated data-driven tools that will enable patients and their healthcare providers to choose a personalised, optimal treatment strategy. 
Our main contribution is the experience and knowledge of the Spine Tango Registry, a medical registry that stores structured and standardised anonymous medical data used for research in the spine community.


The Spine Tango data has already been used to develop tools for managing patient expectations and treatment options. With PREPARE, we aim to take these tools to the next level, significantly improving patient outcomes and managing patient expectations about potential improvements of different treatment options. This will lead to improved patient satisfaction and quality of life. 
Spine Tango is providing input into the conceptualisation, health data integration technology and computational models of Spine Tango based on the needs and technical constraints of EUROSPINE and Spine Tango users. Spine Tango will define use cases and their requirements, validate the tools developed, design and validate the overall architecture. It will contribute to scientific knowledge by organising smaller studies to answer specific research questions about the usability, compliance, effectiveness, etc. of such tools.

The PREPARE projects benefit from the comprehensiveness of the Spine Tango data and their expertise in modelling, organising and facilitating research and knowledge of spinal disorders. 

EUROSPINE, and in particular spine patients, will benefit from the new tools that can be offered to treating physicians based on the Spine Tango data to assist in communicating and navigating treatment options, managing patient expectations and shared decision making for optimal treatment outcomes. 

For more information

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